Tuesday, 15 January 2013



Semalam telah berlangsungnya, pelancaran the new islamic reality show programme by TV3 which is Da'i, Mencari Pendakwah Melenia at Hotel Royale Bintang, The Curve.

Super excited and looking forward nak melihat kemajuan peserta Da'i. All the 12 finalis nampak cukup bersemangat bila diumumkan terpilih. Congratulation!!!

Eh, anyways! Program Da'i ini diwujudkan untuk mencari pendakwah muda untuk menyampaikan dakwah secara amal makruf nahi mungkar.

Sounds so interesting kan! Spreading the words of Islam from the perspective of young muslims!

Sabda Rasullulah SAW: " Ballighu Anni Walau Aayah "

Bermaksud : Sampaikanlah Daripadaku Walaupun Sepotong Ayat ( Dakwah ).

Apalagi let's spread the words of Islam!!!

Watch us LIVE, every Saturday, 6-7pm.

12 finalis, 13 episod dan 1 juara yang akan bergelar Da'i Melenia dan membawa pulang RM50,000.

Bersama saya, NSNA, Ustaz Zhafran dan Hilmie.

With our iconic judges, Zainal Ariffin Ismail dan Ustaz Sharhan.

Da'i (Pendakwah Milenia)

Friday, 11 January 2013


Senyum itu sedekah kan...

Senyum selalu.

Smile for a mile.

No haters.


Mylesungpipits say night night!

2013 aku datang!!!


Hello to my first blog, never imigane myself creating a blog....why it is called mylesungpipit? if you know me well, u will know why hahahaha. Anyways, nahhhhhhh! this is my story, WATCH THIS SPACE!

As a good kickstart for 2013, disini saya titipkan gambar from my recent umrah trip to the blessed Holy Land of Makkah Al-Mukkaramah and Madinah Al-Munawwarah.

Only a few that really close to my heart....

 RA and me.

 The golden door of the holy house.

 The beautiful umbrella designed canopies of Al Nabawi Mosque.

May Allah bless us all!